"OPTIONS"Mannequins, clothed and enclosed, gazing at the dark street, wonder which option to take? To Leave or Not to Leave? Which Alley is not Blind to take?!2014/ 30 x 40 /OC
"THE PATH OF FIRE"To Jewels or Ashes.2019 36 X 48 O/C
“THE DIVINE GIFTS, Neglected"Open the door, Let the Light Bathe Your Room!Open Your Eyes and SeeOpen the Locked Chests of Heaven Rubies!!Savour the Luscious Taste of those Indulging Seeds!2019 24 X 36 O/C
"The Timid Lookdown Fish"They are petrified since long time ago within this desert wall, although, they still reside in reflection and soul in the water at its base.The Watchmen is Watching, Worried of the Waves Making Their Union Possible.2017 30 x 42/ OC
"The Conversion"Born in dew, Life Dances in their Transparency. On the Other side, Volcanos Erupt Within. The Hissing Molten Fury Petrifies. The Concrete Bodies Claw and Crawl on the Barren Reef!2010 30 x 40 / OC.
"Peril"Up there, the air is less polluted. Is it Safer? Up there, the colors are bolder. And the Prey stepped out in a wearing, Color-matched with the Predator!! Too Assuming! 2013 36 x 40 /OC
"TIME IS THE APPLE"That Apple, Sent to Earth from the Heaven, was Snakebit on its Tree; A GiFT of SURE FINITUDE and WARPED!2014, 18" x 28" O/C
"MIDNIGHT at WARRIORS' FASHION EXHIBITION"They Are Not Here, but Their SENSELESSNESS IS, Present and in Action; a Trend Cooked Within their Beings.2017 20 x 30 /OC
"BEARING THE TROAN HORSE"Awakened by its ice-cold vehemence on my chest, a new Trojan Horse a reminder of all those trojan horses entering our cities under the moonlight, when all the gates were bolted, and no open crack was there to escape from their swords. 2008 30 x 40 /OC
'The Gravity of Existence at a Warped time'My cat is not alone, dead and alive, in the box. We are both in it, both dead and alive at the same time! 2009 40 x 40 /OC
"The Masked-Man Train"The train is leaving the station. The Blue Man, naked as born, is left on the platform, Standing Tall and alone, knowing the reason.2014 24 x 30 /OC
"The Masked-Man Train"DetailTH
"Frida"Passed over the back-broken Dam, sailing in parallel Universes, will she not paint “Pain”? 2013/ 24 x 40 /OC
"Frida" Sailing down the Roaring Waters, She is Leaving all the Memories of the Broken Dam up there with the Force of her Paint and Pain. Reaching the Calm Waters, she Hears no Rumors, No More.
"Flying Cactus"Uprooted and in bloom soars above the gazing Earth, that is left down below with a sore in heart.1989/ 30 x 30 /OC
"THE INVASION"Many, many things, you may see here, except for the ravaged souls, Quavering in Silence in every skyless corner. 2012/ 30 x 40 /OC
"Her Bruised Sky"I long for a share of your majesty. I marvel at your glorious sturdiness. We will erase the bruise off your sky for ever, Mother. 2011 28 x 40 /OC
"The Woodpecker's Tribulations"It is just a tree that has split, not the sky, although, it may look that way! Neithet was not by your Pecking, My Little Bundle of Assumptions! 2009 24 x 36 /O/C
"SILENCE"At the end, the sun rises as always. And in silence, its rays pulverize the silent fall-out of the night before. The burnt frees grow green again. 2014/ 36 x 48 /OC
"Invasion"Detail: They came from every direction; East and West, North and South!
"A PALE, BLUE DAY"Displaced Island and unravelled organs, the roots and branches in rush to meet. Absurd and dreadful as it is, a spark of hope is in the make, would it or could it turn to a beacon? 2008 24 x 48 /OC
"IN BLOSSOM "God’s Invitation to “Openness” is above the door that is locked and bolted by his other words! But the fragrance of blossoms could not be locked outside, like the young girl’s desire for harvesting the rare fruit that could not be smashed inside! 2008 30 x 48 /OC
"On The Original Sin"This is not the first or the last sinner or the worst one, the one who slashed open the treasure chest of Paradise Rubies to satisfy his thirst with their blood. The Original Sinner is the one, who slashed man’s dignity by constructing sins and dungeons for it. 2007 24 x 30 /OC
"ROSEMARY SPRIG"To all of you Rosemarys; living from here to far away lands and times: Why are you dancing in the arms of Fire, Why are you whirling in the flames of Black Gold of insanity showered on you? Is it the scent of loyalty from the mother’s sprig, leading you to your death-bound love? Or are you losing your game of survival set in this deadly dance by the order of providence? 2004 24 x 48 /OC
"The Man and the Open-Closed Door"There is a Wall, up and down the green grandeur of rolling hills, rushing to make two worlds out of one. There is a door, open to his world, shut to the second world . The man is pondering how good it would be if a wormhole opens up between different worlds in everybody’s mind!2001/ 30 x 40 /OC
"The ROAD". Any Road offers two ways, even if imarked one way! Mother has been knitting a road by her own hands, not thinking of that and the chopper, hovering over their land.2010 36 x 48 / OC
"The INFINITESIMAL"Peonies come in every color but blue. He painted it blue, made it immense and glorious as it deserves. Now, tiny as he is, he is carrying it around!! 1997. 24 x 36 /OC.
"Left on the Brink"With lustrous temptation of flying over and up the cliff to see the unseen, the child calls him back to share the revelry. but the man in shadow speeds away, downhill! 2009/ 24 x 48 /OC
"Forbidden Matters"Emerges from sun-drenched blur of the forest, Drunk in their fragrance and beauty, plucked them out and carries Th daffodils with their soil-covered bulbs hanging. Her eyes and nose, painted in the air, only her lips are here that do not tell.1999/30 x 40 /OC
"The Purple Jungle"There, inside, is the darkness of seven-head monster, Here, outside is the artful coloring that shines. 1994/ 30 x40 /OC
"BLIND OWL"The story of freshness, youth and beauty, as ever compelled to defy against ancient decadence and often defeated. This is an offering to the ” Blind Owl”2005/ 24 x 48 /OC (Based on Sadegh Hedayat’s homonymous novel,)
"Domestic Affairs"On its ever-withered dry stalks, the sovereign overreaches. 1990/ 24 x 24 /OC
"CHILDREN"A Solute to Civilization, For Which? Witnessing or Creating the Scene?1991/ 38 x 56 /OC
"En-enstoned"When is her “Expansivity” permitted to break down all the surrounding stone walls? When is her “Tenderness” allowed to nurse the whole beings? 2009/ 24 x 48 /OC
"Shattered Watermelons"There is always a Broken Bridge between two worlds on different plains; one, the world of oblivion and the other one of pains of shattered watermelons.1986/ 42 x 56 /OC
"Mosaddegh"Where are they sending you father, when our deep riches go on flames? When our spirits, once soaring, are sunken with the weight of our sorrows? When our glorious sun untimely sets in Gulf? When you leave with your ever longing for our land.
"The Field of Drowning Daisys"A city evaporates in the horizon. The meadow drowns in the sea. Sky folds the sun and its rays, then wraps them all to return.1993/ 2oX 28 /OC
"Flying Down"A single feather of a bird revives the reality of that bird, who was set to fly down.2003/ 324 x 36 /OC.
"I Can Paint Rain"Remind me of Heart, Remind me of Love, I can paint Rain.2002/ 30 x 40/ /OC
"The Court Dancer"Richard Oelze’s Spectators meet their expectation!1998/ 30 x 30 /OC
"On Another Planet"It can not be but on another planet.2006/ 30 x 36 /OC
"I and My Iota"My share; an iota or less, on a green patch, possibly coming from a disintegrated black hole or somewhere stranger. No matter, it looks to me larger than all those grand galaxies!2017/ 24 x 24 /OC
"The Walker of The Path"The Panorama of Nothingness is high up there, and the ecstasy of reaching there, is down here in Passing the Impasse.2002/ 30 x 48 /OC
"Indomitable "Soaring is against the laws of swimming, but not inhibitive for the wounded fish bird. 1983/ 36 x 48 /OC
"Darwin and the Ocean"Standing on the shore of his small island, he saw the dark depths of all ancient seas.1996/ 30 x 40 /OC
Above Under-Water Garden"Pannel 21997 / 48 x 60 /OC
"Under-Water Garden"My Children Forecasting their teens!1997 Double Pannel / 48 x60 /OC